Top 10k strings from Growing Pains of Adrian Mole, The (1987)(Virgin Games)[a].tzx
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [TZX] /
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8 WRAPBUFFER+33 8 ;SCREENWIDTH 8 (WRAPBUFFERPOINTER), 8 (MDTMODE), 8 (LASTCHAR), 8 "overflow:" 5 " " 4 bhy65tgvnju74rfcmki83edx 4 WRAPOUTPUT 4 WIDTHDCODE 4 Top of pictures = & 4 SCREENWIDTH-1 4 SCREENWIDTH 4 No EOF on pictures 4 Copyright 4 CODE 4 BHY<<TGVNJU> 4 (WRAPBUFFERPOINTER) 4 (SEARCHPOS), 4 (PENDSPACE), 4 $;"t";q$;",baudrate" 4 " before loading the game." 4 " The 'PRINTER ON' command sends characters to ZX Interface 1 RS232. Enter" 4 " Press either CAPS SHIFT or SYMBOL SHIFT when the program pauses; 1, 2, or 3 to make decisions, and 4 to give commands." 4 " Instructions for playing" 4 " FORMAT ";q 4 1987 Level 9 Computing 3 " THE GROWING PAINS OF" 2 A.MOLE 0 2 '''"THE GROWING PAINS OF ADRIAN MOLE" 2 ''"Program 2 ''"Based on the Adrian Mole Diaries Copyright 1982,1984,1985 Sue Townsend" 2 ''" Published by Virgin Games Ltd." 2 ''" Produced by Mosaic Publishing Ltd." 2 1987 Level 9 Computing" 1 world is unique and you help make decisions about all aspects of his life. 1 the game, familiar scenes may well have a new twist. There are a number of 1 the game pauses. 1 that as you progress through the days in Adrian's diary you will be asked to 1 system menu. This gives a list of the additional features in the game and 1 score will appear as an indication of how well you are doing. (You could, 1 random elements included so each game may be different. Adrian's view of the 1 r,Na9b,Na9 1 possible!) 1 options suggested. Pressing key number 4 will display the command and help 1 of course, play it the other way and try to make Adrian as unpopular as 1 months of Adrian's life. When playing the game, press SHIFT to continue when 1 make choices for Adrian. Press a number from 1 to 3 to choose one of the 1 in the same way as the first one. 1 have no trouble guiding Adrian through the trials and tribulations of school 1 full instructions on how to use them. 1 carefully the best way to impress them! Your ultimate aim is to make Adrian 1 ask you if you want to go on to the next program. Type YES and press ENTER. 1 as popular as possible with everyone and at regular points in the game your 1 and family life! Knowing the books won't necessarily give you an advantage in 1 Whether you have read Sue Townsend's best-selling books or not, you should 1 When you reach the end of one part of the game, a message on the screen will 1 USING THE PROGRAM 1 To load and start the game, type LOAD "" and start the tape. 1 The game consists of a number of separate programs. Each program covers a few 1 THE GROWING PAINS OF ADRIAN MOLE 1 Start the tape playing again and press ENTER twice. The next program loads 1 Playing this game will take you through eighteen months in the life of 1 Pete Austin 1 PART 4 1 PART 3 1 PART 2 1 PAINS 1 Midnight SgX 1 Level 9 / Mosaic, 1987 1 Level 9 / Mosaic 1 LOADING THE GAME 1 Inlay text: 1 INTRODUCTION 1 He is surrounded by colourful characters and you will need to consider 1 English5Instructions 1 Adrian Mole. When you have loaded the first part of the game, you will see 1 's looking 1 "THE GROWING PAINS OF ADRIAN MOLE" 1 " ADRIAN MOLE, PART 4." 1 " ADRIAN MOLE, PART 3." 1 " ADRIAN MOLE, PART 2." 1 The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole